Computer Programmer: Kids and Exercise

In this adventure, students will think like a computer programmer and design a new smart device that will help kids.

Click the buttons below to view or download the instructional materials for this adventure.



  1. martzk on February 22, 2019 at 12:54 pm

    The writing extension on this challenge was a favorite, by far! The students enjoyed building smart device prototypes. They worked collaboratively to come up with some great ideas. One group created a smart watch that will monitor blood sugar levels in a person with diabetes. They knew it was important to stay hydrated with this disease. My 4th graders had a blast with their smart devices!

  2. Chelsea Junkins on November 14, 2019 at 11:18 am

    I used this lesson to introduce the Dash and Dot robots we have in our MakerDen. We used the tablets as our smart devices, and acted as a Computer Programmer telling our robots what to do using a Path app. Even my kindergartners did great!

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